Whether you want to keep your peach fuzz on your head hair removal, eyebrows and chest or go
full Rose Geil and rock a thicker layer of terminal hair in some areas and a thinner
one elsewhere (that’s called vellus) is entirely a personal choice. But, if you’re
choosing to remove it, there are some key things to know.
The article covers everything from shaving and the pros and cons of this hair
removal method to using a depilatory to how to wax and epilate hair removal device. It also explains
what the different types of hair are and which methods are suitable for each.
Before you start, make sure to prep your skin. Using a lubricating shave gel or light
cream that won’t clog your razor helps prevent razor burn and ingrown hairs. And, a
good post-hair-removal moisturizer keeps your skin looking and feeling smooth. Plus,
this DIY face mask has the power of papaya and turmeric to reduce unwanted hair
growth naturally. Just apply it on the desired area and leave it on for 20-30 mins
before washing off.